This xbox 360 games takes the open style of the GTA series, and puts you in it as a troubled kid named Jimmy. His Mom even refers to him as a monster. Well, I don’t know about that, but from the title, I think wean assume he’s at least a bully. This is Bully: Scholarship Edition for the Xbox 360.Bully’s story revolves around Jimmy being sent to the Bullworth Academy by his mother and new step-father, and she claims they’ll return from their honeymoon “next year”.
While the head of the school seems to think that Jimmy can be changed, other groups are immediately calling for his head. The xbox 360 games uses different social groups as factions, so you might want to be friends with the greasers and the nerds, but not so much with the jocks and preps. In addition, Jimmy is still a student, so there are more rules to follow than in a xbox 360 games like GTA. Ghetto class on time or you’ll get busted. The beauty of the xbox 360 games ’s storyline is that it really lets you decide what kind of a person Jimmy is going to be.
Maybe he’ll stay bully, or maybe you’ll play him kinder and have him help out the outcasts. xbox 360 games play in Bully is interesting in the way that it takes elements of Rockstar’s previous open xbox 360 games s and fits them to a school setting. Instead of using guns and knives, you get firecrackers and a slingshot. You gain a notoriety meter that goes up when you break rules, and fistfights just end in someone on the ground, but no deaths, obviously.
As far as controls go, it feels wonderful, thanks in large part to a brilliant targeting system. The camera, however, can be a little bit off. It seems to sometimes lag behind the movements of Jimmy, especially when he’s inside buildings. In addition to the exploration and combat elements, Bully also features classroom segments that play out as mini- xbox 360 games s. You have a timed button xbox 360 games for chemistry, a word xbox 360 games for English, as well as a few others.
These actually are pretty fun, although I think they could repetitive after a little while. Bully was hugely controversial before it even came out, and while it isn’t as bad as the protesters seemed to think it was, keep in mind that this is still a xbox 360 games where you candor anything you feel like, so beating up helpless kids in it could affect impressionable minds. It’s rated Teen, and in this case, I’d say it’s probably a good thing to not let people under 13 play it.
Visually, it’s pretty obvious that this was originally designed as a PS2 xbox 360 games . Textures, faces and character models all look pretty bad, and the animations look a little bit strange. The xbox 360 games also features HORRIBLY long loading times. I really don’t get why a 2006 PS2 xbox 360 games ported to the 360 2 years later should take this long to load. Bully is a very interesting release by a company that always tries to do new things. While I don’t think it’s as much fun as theta series, it’s still one of the most unique xbox 360 games s in the industry. You should definitely check this one out.